Listed below are the issues we treat but are not limited too. To become more informed about the issues, feel free to click on the subject of your interest. Should you have any further questions about any of the issues we treat, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
There could be a variety of challenges in relationship such as struggles with communication, confrontation, finances, unresolved conflict, intimacy, growth: and much more. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of operation of the relationship and develop a plan and goals towards your desirable change. If you have further questions about relationship issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393. We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
In a marriage there could be several challenges the couple may not see eye to eye on. There could be unresolved conflict, family transitions, communication and confrontation struggles,an imbalance with the finances; poor intimacy, or a desire to take the relationship to the next level but, lack the know how. The professional therapist will assess your dynamics and structure of operation to develop a plan and goals that will guide you towards a healthy change. If you have further questions about marriage issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
A family consisting of a couple and their children from this union and previous relationships. Blended families have a unique family dynamic due to different family systems being intertwined. The professional therapist will assess the family dynamics and systems of operation to develop a plan and goals to guide you towards a desirable and healthy change for your family. If you have further questions about blended family issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
A biological father/ mother, single mother/father, surrogate mother, and legal guardians rearing a child, children, or someone they agreed to care for. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and family structure of operation to develop a plan and goal to guide the parent(s) towards healthy parenting skills that produces healthy relationship between child(ren) and parent(s). If you have further questions about parenting issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
An attempt to control someone in the same way a person tries to control in physical abuse. The difference between the two is the emotional abuser uses words to attack your emotions as his/her weapon vs. physical attack. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of operation on how you do relationship and life to develop a plan and goals that will guide you to a healthy and desirable change. If you have further questions about emotional abuse, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.

Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Anxiety features excessive fear and related behavioral disturbances. Fear is the emotional response to real or perceived imminent threat. The professional therapist will assess your dynamics and structure of how your life is impacted by the fear to best develop a plan and goals that will guide you towards a healthy and desirable change. If you have further questions about anxiety, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Guilt is the responsibility of making the wrong decision(s) and acting on the wrong decision(s) that are not pleasing to you, which leads to feelings of unhappiness for committing to the wrong. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of operation of how you are doing life and relationship to develop a plan and goals that will guide you to a healthy and desirable change. If you have further questions about guilt issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Having the expectation to plan a family is to be exciting times. After 1 year of trying to become pregnant could bring on sadness, fear, depression, and hopelessness for the couple that is trying to start a family. This challenge can be emotional, physical, mentally and financially draining. The therapist will assess the dynamics of your challenge and its impact to best develop a plan and goals that will guide you towards a desirable change. If you have further questions about infertility, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Fear is not a friend to no one. It is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is harmful. Due to the belief, it leads you to respond by avoiding someone or something. Living life in avoidance is not living. When fear shows up in relationships, it cripples the individuals from being their authentic self. It leads people to feel they have to freeze, take flight, or flee. Anxiety issues are rooted in fear. The therapist will assess the dynamics of your challenge and its impact to best develop a plan and goals that will guide you towards a desirable change. If you further questions about fear, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
This challenge presents its self when someone feels dismissed or refused by another. Everyone has had an encounter with rejection, be it you rejecting someone or something or someone rejected you. Rejection used properly is not bad. However, rejection can become a challenge when it it’s used to abuse and hurt others. It is painful to be rejected by a spouse, parent, family, and friends. The therapist will assess the dynamics of your challenge and its impact to best develop a plan and goals that will guide you towards a desirable change. If you have further questions about rejection issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
It is heartbreaking to give your all in a relationship and later discover the other individual(s) gave up or discontinue their concerns, interest, or care for you or something, due to other circumstances or interest. Being in a relationship where one feels abandon could lead to feelings of loneliness, sadness, depression, anger, and more. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone to discover they are in it alone. It’s heartbreaking. The therapist will assess the dynamics of your challenge and its impact to best develop a plan and goals that will guide you towards a desirable change. If you have further questions about abandonment issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
A painful emotion responding to a sense of failure. People tend to feel shame due them violating core values that they stood so strongly for. Sometimes shame comes about when a person is struggling with their purpose in life and their identity, so the words from others, of whom they value, opens the door for shame. The therapist will assess the dynamics of your challenge and its impact to best develop a plan and goals that will guide you towards a desirable change. If you have further questions about shame, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
This challenge is not fun for no one. It is apart of the anxiety disorders as well as mental disorders. It is abrupt surges of intense fear that reach a peak in minutes. The response is typically towards a feared object or situation. These attacks are exhausting because it interrupts your life. They can cause a decrease in appetite, insomnia, hopelessness, worrying, and more. The therapist will assess the dynamics of your challenge and its impact to best develop a plan and goals that will guide you towards a desirable change. If you have further questions about panic attacks, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
This challenge presents its self when someone fails to care for someone or something properly. There can be neglect in marriages, parenting, friendships, and caring for yourself. When there is neglect in any relationship there is an imbalance that is blocking healthy growth and development. The therapist will assess the dynamics of your challenge and its impact to best develop a plan and goals that will guide you towards a desirable change. If you have further questions about neglect, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you. you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Loss of someone or something can be challenging. It can appear in relationships, such as, a husband or wife may not offer unconditional love, support, connection, compassion, and genuine friendship. Someone could lose interest in the other by becoming distracted by other cares, so he/she neglects or abandon the other relationally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. This is not limited to husband and wife, it also extends to family of origin and friendships. Loss is experienced when hopes and dreams and not successfully developed. Many of us have experienced a loss of a love one. This could occur unexpectedly, or you may be in preparation for the love one to transition. However you have experienced a loss, it is clear that it impacts you emotionally. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your impact and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change for healthy emotional care. If you have any further questions about the impact of loss, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.

Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Marriage is work! It’s not for the faint at heart, but for those who are open to mature individually to build a healthy family unit. During the dating phase, things may appear great. You may feel that sense of “falling in love” or that you are deeply in love, which can serve as a challenge for you to see the realities of the relationship. A mate can be challenging. Bringing two worlds together in one union is a challenge, but rewarding, when everyone values and applies themselves to mature. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your relationship. She will guide you to become aware of your beliefs and values regarding marriage, parenting, finances, friendships, careers, goals and dreams; intimacy, family of origin, spirituality, and communication skills. Premarital counseling can be a powerful resource towards a healthy you in marriage. If you have any further questions about premarital counseling, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Sexual pleasure was created by God for husband and wife to enjoy each other. This is the place where the husband and wife can be present physically, emotionally, creatively, and compassionately at a deeper level of intimacy. Pornography (materials displaying sexual organs to stimulate erotic feelings) steals away from the individual(s) experiencing real relationship and connection. The person(s) involved in this dysfunction is on the outside looking in. No one is aware of his/her presence, which creates authentic emotional disconnection from his/herself and others relationally. There are many ways someone can fall prey to this dysfunction. Society sends the message that it’s “cool” and the “in” thing to do. Not true! It’s destructive and damaging to the self, marriages, families, and relationships. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of the impact pornography has on the individual(s) and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about pornography, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Circumstances concerning individual needs, marriage, family, or relationships can bring on mental or emotional strain or tension. If you do not have the proper tools or resources to guide you, you can become overwhelmed. Stress can impact you impact physically, as well. Being aware of symptoms that lead to stress could help you gain insight on how to access tools to guide you towards making quality decisions for healthy mental and emotional care. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of the impact of stress and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change for healthy mental and emotional care. If you have any further questions about the impact of stress, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Sexual abuse is undesired sexual behavior by one person forced onto another. All sexual abuse is not physical. It can manifest verbally by someone speaking sexually to you without your permission. The perpetrator can be very manipulative and cunning in how he /she violates someone’s body. The old saying was “stranger/danger”. It is no longer stranger/danger. A perp could be your family members, best friend(s), neighbor, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, or pastor. The bottom line is that is could be anyone that you trust. When there is a history of sexual abuse, it could create dysfunction in how you care for yourself and how you function in relationship with others. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of the impact of sexual abuse and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change for healthy mental and emotional care. If you have any further questions about the impact of sexual abuse, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Family issues could develop from unresolved conflict, life transitions, poor communication, financial concerns, and much more. A family can become “stuck” due to the lack of tools to overcome their challenge or resistance to change. Whatever your family issue may be, the professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your family issue and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change for a healthy family. If you have any further questions about family issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Attachment struggles develop when parents did not provide the nurture and emotional care to their child(ren) during childhood development. Important qualities that should have been established in a child’s youth were missed, such as, acceptance, identity, security, purpose. The parents are the first to instill these core values in their children. When these core values are missed, the person(s) grows up struggling in how they relate to others and how they do relationship with others. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your attachment issues and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about attachment issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Anger is an emotion that was given to us by God. The challenge with anger is how we use it. If anger influences you to respond out of character, then that means you are out of control. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being angry, but there is a problem if your anger is leading you to inflict pain onto yourself or someone, or something. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your anger challenges and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about anger, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Depression is a serious illness that affects the way you feel, the way you think, and how you respond to others. It causes feelings of sadness and loss off interest in things that were once enjoyable. Being sad and losing interest in something is not a problem. It becomes a problem when sadness and loss influence your decisions in life. When depression is present, helplessness, hopelessness, and anxiety are present. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your depression and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about depression, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
The joys of starting a family should be very exciting. For many mothers, they enjoy the news of being pregnant and planning for the baby’s arrival. There are mother’s that experience an onset of depression while pregnant. The feeling of sadness, anxiety, loss of sleep; appetite and more is what a mother could experience while pregnant and after delivery. This is a serious matter that impacts both the mother and child. Postpartum is not limited to mothers, but fathers may experience this condition as well. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your postpartum and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about postpartum, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Loss is an event that we all will encounter. It can be a stressful experience. Everyone responds to grief differently. It can impact the way you think, respond to others, and how you interact with others. There are losses that are sudden and unexpected, which cause trauma to set in. If proper care is not accessible, grief could cause the individual(s) to lose interest in work, family, and social interest. The professional will assess the dynamics and structure of your grief and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about grief, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.

Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Once a decision has been made to get a divorce, coming to terms with the reality of a failed marriage could be distressing. Planning to separate and work through child custody, financial responsibilities, and new living arrangements is not an easy journey. Grieving the loss of the family unit is a sad process, but with the proper tools and emotional care, you can overcome the sadness and work towards rebuilding. The professional will assess the dynamics and structure of your family challenges regarding divorce and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about divorce, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Coping skills are learned from our family of origin, people we interact with, or things we allow to entertain us. The question is, are the coping strategies helpful? Learning to eat when we’re stressed, withdraw when we’re angry, or numb our pain, is not the best way to cope with the challenges of life. When we are left alone to walk through our pain, we may choose things that are not healthy for us down the road. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your coping skills and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about coping skills, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Are you having struggles with deciding what you would like to do professionally in life? Maybe you enjoy what you are doing but would like to move up to another level within your company. If you know what you are passionate about, then we could explore your vision and develop goals to get you where you would like to go. If you are having a challenge with discovering a vision for your career, then we will be on that journey with you to equip you with the necessary tools to discover your passion. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your career challenges and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about career counseling, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.
Therapy for Lake Mary, FL and Orlando, FL
Behavioral issues could develop from many things, such as a loss in the family, divorce, remarriage, new baby, or moving away from extended family and friends; and much more. No matter where the behavioral issues stem from, it can cause distress in the family. Working with a therapist to gain insight and to get a sound assessment and evaluation of what is going on could be very helpful to the family emotional and physical care. The professional therapist will assess the dynamics and structure of your behavioral challenges and will develop a plan and goals towards a desirable change. If you have any further questions about behavioral issues, please contact Living Water Counseling Center at 1-844-288-4393 . We would love to serve you.